Episode 5: How To Be Adaptable Without Caving In - A Panel Discussion

How can you know if your ability to adapt is working for you or against you? What steps can you take TODAY to stop caving and start living the life you want? Our world is always changing and life loves to throw you curveballs, but how can you adapt in a way that’s true to who you are? How can you adjust your plan while still meeting your own unique needs?

We’re getting into it today. I’ve invited three fellow coaches from the Chasing Lobster Collective to join me in this panel discussion on adaptability. We’re speaking from experience and we’re going deep in our conversation around staying true to who we are in the face of change. Join me, Chel, Raza, and Minerva today and let’s get you living the life you want to be living, always adapting, but never conforming.

We’re exploring:

  • Adapting v. avoiding: how to know which one you’re doing

  • What adaptability means to each of us and when we know we’re bending too much

  • How the feeling of burnout can creep in when “adaptability” has gone wrong 

  • Simple exercises for self-acceptance and how these practices can help you stay true to who you want to be when challenges pop up

  • Questions we ask our own clients when they’re working through major changes

  • And much more!

You can connect with these wonderful coaches through the Chasing Lobster Collective here: https://www.chasinglobsters.com/coaching/#collectivecoaching

And individually here:

Chel Cartmill: https://www.chelcartmill.com

Raza Rifat: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raza-rifat-82bb686/?originalSubdomain=se

Minerva Pietila: https://www.instagram.com/minervacoaching/

Connect with me:

On Instagram: https://instagram.com/chasinglobsters

On Facebook: https://facebook.com/chasinglobsters

On the web: www.chasinglobsters.com

Apply to be coached on the podcast: https://www.chasinglobsters.com/podcast

Learn more about coaching: https://www.chasinglobsters.com/coaching


Episode 6: Why I’m Celebrating My Whoopsie


Episode 4: Getting off the Busyness Treadmill - Coaching with Erica