Episode 12: A Guide for Empathetic Dreamers: Coaching Victoria
Can you really go after what you want while also staying grounded, enjoying the present, and experiencing belonging right where you are, right now?
Is it OK to dream or does looking ahead leave you ignoring your present life?
On today’s episode, I’m joined by Victoria. She’s a business owner, a mother, a military spouse, and she’s asking these questions because she longs for a life that she loves and a home she can call hers. Who doesn’t want that, right? Join us as we look at where all this longing has left her and what she can do while she waits for her dream home and dream life to be hers. Is it possible that the feeling of home can be found elsewhere? Victoria and I don’t waste any time getting right into it and this is the perfect episode to ring in the New Year with if there’s something your heart desires in 2023!
We’re diving into:
How to know if you’re a highly sensitive person & likely affected by others’ energy
The experiences of military families searching for home in an often-changing environment
If self-care can be high energy and exhausting? Or if that defeats the purpose?
My spiritual prayer for letting go of negative energy and finding my own lost energy
Why creating loving boundaries is crucial for empathetic people
Practical tips to shake off the energy of others that you may be holding onto
And so much more!
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