Episode 13: Getting Into Your Body: A Panel Discussion on Embodiment
“Get out of your head and into your body.”
Ever heard this advice before? Wondering what it means or how going “into the body” can actually help you?
We’re breaking it all down for you on today’s episode and I’m pleased to be joined by two amazing women, Jill Herman and Rachel Curran, both highly experienced with somatic work and embodiment. We’re discussing how trauma is stored in the body, how disconnection can lead to burnout, and how your body can be the source for the wisdom you seek.
Whether you’re new to body work or consider yourself deeply connected, we’re offering simple and effective exercises so you can get into your body, feel empowered, and live life as an embodied being.
We’re exploring:
Why you have ALL it takes to connect to your body
The six realms of intelligence & why intellectual intelligence is overvalued
How stored trauma can leak out of us & what it often looks like
Jill’s personal experience with body work: How long it took her to connect, the BIG difference it’s made in her life, & her advice for rage release
The difference a trauma-informed coach can make in YOUR life Practical tips for getting started (even if you just have 1 minute!)
And more
Connect with Jill Herman:
Be You Podcast: https://instagram.com/beyoupodcast_?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Connect with Rachel Curran:
On Instagram: https://instagram.com/Iamrachelcurran
Connect with me:
On Instagram: https://instagram.com/chasinglobsters
On Facebook: https://facebook.com/chasinglobsters
On the web: www.chasinglobsters.com
Apply to be coached on the podcast: https://www.chasinglobsters.com/podcast
Learn more about coaching: https://www.chasinglobsters.com/coaching
Book a connection call with me: https://www.chasinglobsters.com/contact