Episode 20: Taking Back Control: My Origin Story
How can you know if you're living the life you want to be living?
How can you know if you’re the one calling the shots and making the rules that you live by?
This week on Our Stories Within, I’m sharing the story of what woke me up to my life. It wasn’t too long ago that I was following all the rules set by others, making sure to meet all the expectations of others, but then it all changed and my life hasn’t been the same since. I hope you join me for this intimate episode as I look back at the life event that changed everything and changed it for the better.
I’m exploring:
What it means to follow the breadcrumbs of desire in your life
How it worked saying NO to my career so I could say YES to my life
What life can feel like living by others’ rules and standards - can you relate?
How Chasing Lobsters came to be and how you fit into the story
My invitation for you if you’re ready to take that next step
And more!
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